Con Lan Son Viet Nhat - Producing and distributing paint rollers

"Con lan son Viet Nhat" is an enterprise specialized in manufacturing and distributing construction tools and paint rollers. We distribute mainly in HCMC market in particular and nationwide in general. And we are always committed to the best quality when the product is delivered to customers.

At present, all of our products when delivered to the market must undergo quality inspection. Every stage must be done in the most rigorous way, not allowing any defective product to reach the customer's hands.

Product of Con Lan Son Viet Nhat
Product of Con Lan Son Viet Nhat

"Con lan son Viet Nhat" unit and cheap quality paint roller products

The products that Viet Nhat supplies to the market all carry the simplest design. Vietnam Japan wants to provide consumers with convenient use as well as cleaning and preservation of paint rollers.

Paint roller frame with high quality galvanized iron

Paint roller frame is used by high quality iron with high rigidity and durability. In addition, it is an external plated zinc coating. Helping the shiny iron frame look very luxurious and also protects the iron frame from the effects of moisture and outside weather.

These factors help Vietnamese Japanese paint rollers gain trust in consumers.

First batch of paint roller of Con lan son Viet Nhat

First batch of paint rollers
First batch of paint rollers
With the raw material of the first pipe, PVC plastic is white but still flexible. Pasted with a high quality absorbent fabric. Helps keep and release paint to achieve the best perfection. Since then, your paint is of the best quality, the paint color is stable and even.

The glue attached to the batch head and the fabric layer are all imported from the US. Very high adhesion does not peel off, especially when used in chemical environments are also not affected by adhesion and quality.

Basic quotation for Con Lan Son Viet Nhat

Now you can order at Viet Nhat at a very affordable price. The more you set the price, the cheaper it will be.

Large paint rollers: 12,000 VND - 15,000 VND

Mini paint roller: 2,000 VND - 5,000 VND

The larger the order quantity, the lower the price you pay. What are you waiting for and don't contact Con Lan Son Viet Nhat today now.

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Contact information for Vietnam Japan paint roller unit

Viet Nhat Construction Equipment Manufacturing Trading Company Limited

Tax code: 0315602255
Address: 130C To Ngoc Van, Ward 7, Thanh Xuan Ward, District 12, Ho Chi Minh City
Hotline: 0355.468.468

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