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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 5, 2019

Which interior decoration tool is suitable for your home

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Interior decoration tools are an indispensable part of many current works. With a good tool, the result is really good and eye-catching. However, the choice of good and quality tools is not well known and selected. Parts of wall painting tools The construction of housing works includes many stages: finishing the rough, complete cementing and should be finished by wearing a protective coat for the house. Interior wall paint is an important stage, not only beautiful house decoration but also great effect in protecting the quality of construction from the impacts of weather, environment and climate characteristics in Vietnam. . Wall paint with any type of paint suitable, durable and beautiful for housing construction. Here is the advice on how to choose the wall paint and the necessary tools to paint the beautiful interior wall. Which interior and wall painting tools are suitable for the house Selecting suitable, high quality housing wall paint is the top priority to protect...

History of paint rollers interesting things never known

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The history of paint rollers - This is considered a story for painters who spread each other during breaks. With daily work they have modern rollers and gadgets. They even heard each other's stories about the birth of this paint tool. Today, Viet Nhat wants to share with you the story of forming this familiar tool. The former is for us to learn about the birth of this item and later it is more historical. Scene of production of paint rollers Where does the paint roller originate? To answer this question, let's open history books and review. At that time a Canadian named Norman Breakey, who lived in Toronton, invented the first paint roller. His main goal was to want painters to work faster and better. However, the owner of this tool is an American named Richard Croxton Adams. He works for Sherwin-Williams Paint Company * . This is one of the companies specializing in the production of roller brushes, rollers, paint brushes, ... And it is still active so far ...